The family physician-nurse practitioner dyad.

S Arrojado - CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1994 -
The July 1 issue was certainly commendable for raising readers' awareness of" inclusive"
primary care service delivery. We were pleased that the cover story featured a model of …

The family physician-nurse practitioner dyad.

RW Annis - CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1994 -
Our article does not suggest that family physicians and nurse practitioners can work
collaboratively only in CHCs. We tried to describe a model that we believe can be studied …

The Nurse and the Doctor: Partnership for the Patient

PE Jones - Canadian Family Physician, 1971 -
The College of Family Physicians of Canada is to be commended for its leadership in
arranging the recent workshop on the role of allied health professionals in the delivery of …

Have Family Doctors Sold Out Primary Care?

TG Hancock - Canadian Family Physician, 1978 -
AT THE RECENT Halifax Conference" Primary Health Care-A Global Perspective", it was
dramati-cally clear that family physicians are in danger of losing by default not only their …

Nurse practitioners and family medicine.

MM Rachlis - CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1992 -
D~ r. Rick W. Swanson's letter (Can Med Assoc J 1992; 147: 987-988) con-tains erroneous
interpretations of my remarks that were quoted in the article" Should nurse practi-tioners play …

BC Chapter Meeting Community Clinic Only Milieu For'Ideal'Family Physician: MD

CN Morbiditv - Canadian Family Physician, 1973 -
The community health centre may be the only form of practice where the concepts of
the'ideal family physician'and the health care team can become a reality, says a BC …

Family physicians cannot be replaced.

P Bonisteel - Canadian Family Physician, 1995 -
Icommend Forster et al for their special report," New approach to primary medical care,"'in
the September issue. Like many of my colleagues, I have been troubled by the seemingly …

Primary Care” or “Family Practice

CP Herbert - Canadian Family Physician, 1987 -
IT IS EXCITING for me to have the opportunity to chair the National Research Committee of
the College and, at the same time, to assume, in May 1987, the presidency of the North …

Reaffirming the value of family physicians

F Lemire - Canadian Family Physician, 2018 -
I was recently reminded by a colleague that the physician-nurse relationship is the oldest
interprofessional relationship in medicine, that we need one another, and that when we work …

The family physician-nurse practitioner dyad: indications and guidelines.

DO Way, LM Jones - CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1994 -
La reforme des soins de sante oblige'a comprimer le systeme de prestation des soins de
sante, ea en contenir les couts et a mettre davantage l'accent sur la participation des …