When postpublication peer review stings

R Collier - 2014 - Can Med Assoc
Opinions about whether a critique of research is legitimate comment or personal attack can
vary between those doing the critiquing and those receiving it. In scientific publishing …

[HTML][HTML] What has Science's open-access sting taught us about the quality of peer review?

M Tatalović - Biomolecules and Biomedicine, 2013 - bjbms.org
In October this year, Science published a journalistic investigation into quality of peer review
in open access journals [1]. The results were sobering. Around 60% of all journals accepted …

Peer review and the pillar of salt: a case study

JL Powell - Research Ethics, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
Peer review has long been regarded as the gold standard of scientific publication, essential
to the integrity of science itself. But, as any publishing scientist knows, peer review has its …

[PDF][PDF] The importance of scientific peer review at SETAC

RJ Wenning, GA Burton, H Ward, J Lynch - 2014 - deepblue.lib.umich.edu
Peer review is a centuries-old tradition in the scientific community, and one of the most
important activities undertaken by scientific publications. The thoughtful and critical …

Post-publication peer review: PubPeer

F Townsend - Editors' Bulletin, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
As an industry, whether an author, publisher, Editor or reader, we want to be facilitating the
production and dissemination of the highest quality of research, and the peer review process …

[PDF][PDF] How do authors feel when they receive negative peer reviewer comments? An experience from Chinese biomedical researchers

K Majumder - European Science Editing, 2016 - researchgate.net
Background: Peer review is at the heart of academic publishing and has long been
instrumental in bringing good science to the forefront. Peer reviewer comments provide …

An Overview of Post-Publication Peer Review.

L O'SULLIVAN, L Ma, P Doran - Scholarly Assessment …, 2021 - search.ebscohost.com
The increasing demand for swift dissemination of research findings, combined with the drive
towards transparency and open science has challenged the established approach to peer …

How to be a good peer reviewer of scientific manuscripts

P Dhillon - The FEBS journal, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Peer review is an integral part of the publication process for all academics in the molecular
life sciences and beyond. You may groan about being invited to review as academic life is …

Faked peer reviews prompt 64 retractions

E Callaway - Nature, 2015 - nature.com
The cull comes after similar discoveries of 'fake peer review'by several other major
publishers, including London-based BioMed Central, an arm of Springer, which began …

[PDF][PDF] What causes peer review scams and how can they be prevented?

S Kulkarni - Learn. Publ., 2016 - editage.cn
Peer review is regarded as one of the mainstays of academic publishing. It is conceivably
the most trusted method (Nicholas et al., 2015) to weed out invalid and suspicious research …