[HTML][HTML] The death of a volunteer research subject: lessons to be learned

RI Ogilvie - CMAJ, 2001 - Can Med Assoc
Ahealthy 24-year-old woman died in June 2001 fol-lowing participation in a research
protocol involving the administration of hexamethonium bromide by inhalation and …

The hexamethonium asthma study and the death of a normal volunteer in research

J Savulescu, M Spriggs - Journal of medical ethics, 2002 - jme.bmj.com
Asthma and Allergy Centre who volunteered to take part in a study designed to provoke a
mild asthma attack in order to help doctors discover the reflex that protects the lungs of …

1966 and all that—when is a literature search done?

F McLellan - The Lancet, 2001 - thelancet.com
The recent death of a 24-year-old healthy volunteer in a research study at Johns Hopkins
University (see Lancet 2001; 358: 2130) has highlighted many potential weaknesses in the …

Indian doctors defend “unethical” anticancer drug trial

G Mudur - BMJ: British Medical Journal, 2001 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Inhaled hexamethonium, the drug implicated in the recent death of Ellen Roche, a
previously healthy 24 year old woman who volunteered in an asthma study at Johns …

Hospital librarians and the Johns Hopkins tragedy

A Tomlin - Journal of Hospital Librarianship, 2002 - Taylor & Francis
The death of a healthy volunteer in a clinical trial raised many questions about the process
of active protocols, especially the oversight role of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and …

Second US institute investigates use of drug in asthma trial

D Josefson - BMJ: British Medical Journal, 2001 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Inhaled hexamethonium, the drug implicated in the recent death of Ellen Roche, a
previously healthy 24 year old woman who volunteered in an asthma study at Johns …

[PDF][PDF] One drug trial, six men, disaster

S Bhattacharya, A Coghlan - New Sci, 2006 - direct-ms.org
AT 8 o'clock on the chilly morning of Monday 13 March, eight healthy young men were
injected as part of a drug safety trial. The volunteers were all paid for their participation, but …

[HTML][HTML] 20 Years of JMT: Trying to Catch a Heffalump

KC Osterhoudt - Journal of Medical Toxicology, 2023 - Springer
The American College of Medical Toxicology's (ACMT's) decision to start an academic
journal in the mid-1990s evokes Winnie the Pooh's decision to catch a Heffalump. There …

Acute pulmonary effects of aerosolized pentamidine: a randomized controlled study

Toronto Aerosolized Pentamidine Study (TAPS) Group - Chest, 1990 - Elsevier
From June 1988 to February 1989, we enrolled 36 patients with human immunodeficiency
virus into a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial assessing the efficacy and …

Newer sedative drugs that can cause states of intoxication and dependence of barbiturate type

CF Essig - JAMA, 1966 - jamanetwork.com
This report will emphasize the states of intoxication or physical dependence, or both, which
can result from abuse of certain sedative-hypnotic drugs. Chemically these drugs are not …