Nurse practitioners and physicians: competition or collaboration?

R Birenbaum - CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1994 -
La Colombie-Britannique, l'Alberta, la Saskatchewan et maintenant l'Ontario ont annonce
qu'ils ont l'intention d'utiliser davantage les infirmieres de premiere ligne pour fournir des …

Should nurse practitioners play a larger role in Canada's health care system?

PP Morgan, L Cohen - CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association …, 1992 -
N urse practitioners (NPs) combine the skill ofa physician with the caring of a nurse. They
can do 90% of what the general practitioner does, at less than half the cost, and sometimes …

What role for nurse practitioners in primary care?

JP Kassirer - New England Journal of Medicine, 1994 - Mass Medical Soc
When the call went out recently for an increase in the number of primary care providers,
nurse practitioners were prominent among the many professional groups that stepped …

The family physician-nurse practitioner dyad: indications and guidelines.

DO Way, LM Jones - CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1994 -
La reforme des soins de sante oblige'a comprimer le systeme de prestation des soins de
sante, ea en contenir les couts et a mettre davantage l'accent sur la participation des …

The nurse practitioner revisited: slow death of a good idea

WO Spitzer - New England Journal of Medicine, 1984 - Mass Medical Soc
ON January 19, 1978, the Journal published a study by Perrin and Goodman that assessed
the performance of nurse practitioners. 1 It clearly demonstrated the superiority of nurse …

Non clinical problems: nurse practitioner-physician competition.

M Edmunds - The Nurse Practitioner, 1981 -
The expected increase in the number of practicing physicians does not necessarily mean
that new health practitioners will not have a role. It may mean that adaptation and …

Nurses are not doctors

S Jauhar - The New York Times, 2014 -
EARLIER this month, the New York State Legislature passed a bill granting nurse
practitioners the right to provide primary care without physician oversight. New York joins 16 …

Nurse practitioners: stepping into the doctor's domain?

C Gray - Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1983 -
CHARLOTTE GRAY what role should nurses play in primary care? The United States and
the United Kingdom are both seeing the rapid emergence of" nurse practitioners": nurses …

Nurse practitioners

A Adrian, J O'Connell - Clinical challenges, 2020 -
Nurse practitioners are increasingly being identified as legitimate providers of health
services throughout the world. The emergence of the role of'nurse practitioners' has tended …

The future for practice nurses.

G Robinson - The British Journal of General Practice, 1990 -
TNPromoting better health in 1987, the government stated that the role of the nurse in the
community is fast developing, and better use can be made of their skills and experience. 1 …