The lockout of'62

M Baltzan - CMAJ, 2002 - Can Med Assoc
In her novel Swimming into Darkness, Gail Helgason exercises considerable artistic licence
in depicting Saskatchewan doctors' partial withdrawal of services in 1962. 1, 2 Although …

Alan Johnson:“Utterly charming. Delusional”

Nobody has a bad word to say about Alan Johnson—not something that can be said of
every former health secretary. He held the job for two years (2007-09), during which the …

[PDF][PDF] D'oh! An analysis of the medical care provided to the family of Homer J. Simpson

R Patterson, C Weijer - CMAJ, 1998 - Can Med Assoc
Die. By giving away the conclusion in the title, Hibbert ruined the surprise ending. What fun
is that? Another gross violation of ethics occurred when Bart stuck various objects to his skin …

From obscurity to center stage

WF May - Hastings Center Report, 1981 - JSTOR
Thirty years ago, critics singled out Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman as a landmark play; it
broke with the conventions of classical tragedy in that its hero was an ordi-nary person …

[CITATION][C] Rose Heilbron.

G Knowles - TLS. Times Literary Supplement, 2013 -
Sir,--May I correct a slip made by Michael Beloff (February 1)? Just after observing that Rose
Heilbron is inaccurately described in the subtitle of her biography, he goes on to assert that …

The Comic Genius of Dr. Alexander Hamilton.

R MCKLUS - 2003 -
American exceptionalism, and we miss the significance of a colonial writer best understood
as a representative of British culture. So affirms Robert Micklus in his study of the life and …

Conversations with Lillian Hellman

S Gregory - 1987 - JSTOR
If Lillian Hellman had not finally succumbed in 1984 to the com-plex of medical problems
she'd fought for years, there is no way William Wright and all the legal and financial forces of …

CONVERSATIONS WITH LILLIAN HELLMAN, edited by Jackson R. Bryer (Book Review)

S Gregory - New England Quarterly, 1987 -
608 THE NEW ENGLAND QUARTERLY the pulpit may either fall on deaf ears or soon be
forgotten. That being said, what Stout has done is greatly to be admired: he has created a …

The Comic Genius of Dr. Alexander Hamilton

KA Trask - 1991 - JSTOR
For some, eighteenth-century America was no promised land. For Dr. Alexander Hamilton, it
was scarcely tolerable. Coping with what he found to be annoying and distressing aspects of …

Read The Coming Plague instead

JM Mann -
Tt's amazinghow quicklyyou can read a book of 434 pages lwhen the characters are without
any depth or interest and improbability lurks beneath every twist and turn of a vapid plot …