Wilder Penfield: his legacy to neurology. The institute and hospital.

JP Robb - Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1977 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Wilder Penfield's interest in epilepsy began early in his medical career and led to his well
known studies on the histologic aspects of the healing of brain wounds. 1 A need for better …

Wilder Penfield: his legacy to neurology. Surgical treatment of epilepsy.

TB Rasmussen - Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1977 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Wilder Penfield's interest in epilepsy began early in his medical career and led to his well
known studies on the histologic aspects of the healing of brain wounds. 1 A need for better …

Wilder Penfield: so much remains to temper his loss.

W Feindel, EH Bensley - Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1976 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Canadian neurology, certainly in its modern, scientific sense, and in the broader field he
could be credited with the development of physiological neuro¬ surgery, because he …

Wilder Penfield, 1891–1976

T Rasmussen - Journal of Neurosurgery, 1976 - thejns.org
The productive, many-sided career of Wilder Penfield came to an end April 5, a few weeks
after his 85th birthday. His rich contributions to medicine, science, and the culture of our era …

Wilder Penfield: his legacy to neurology. Impact on medical neurology.

FL McNaughton - Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1977 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
23. PENFIELD W: Epilepsy and surgical therapy. Arch Neurol Psychiatry 36: 449, 1936 24.
PENFIELD W, STEELMAN H: The treatment of focal epilepsy by cortical excision. Ann Surg …

Tribute to Dr. Wilder Penfield 1891-1976

W Feindel - Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences, 1976 - cambridge.org
The recent death of Wilder Graves Penfield just a few months after his 85th birthday, marks
the end of an era in Canadian neurology and the loss of a great protagonist for neurology …

Wilder Penfield—contributor to the surgical treatment of epilepsy

RA Kyle, MA Shampo - Mayo clinic proceedings, 1992 - mayoclinicproceedings.org
Born on Jan. 26, 1891, in Spokane, Washington, Wilder Penfield attended school in Hudson,
Wisconsin, where his mother was a teacher. His father and grandfather were physicians in …

Wilder Penfield (1891-1976)

D Todman - Journal of neurology, 2008 - search.proquest.com
Wilder Penfield was a leading neurosurgeon of the twentieth century who pioneered the
incorporation of neurophysiological principles in the practice of neurosurgery. He is best …

[PDF][PDF] Wilder G. Penfield (1891–1976), neurosurgeon and scientist

JG Ruelland - Vesalius, 2005 - biusante.parisdescartes.fr
Founder and first director of the Montreal Neurological Institute, Wilder G. Penfield
established the" Montreal Procedure" for the surgical treatment of epilepsy, a brain disorder …

The vision of Wilder Penfield.

DA Shephard - Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1977 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The legacy to neurology left by Wilder Penfield, as a set of papers in this issue of the Journal
(pages 1365 to 1377) demonstrates, was incomparable and certainly immeasurable. But …