A real sting in the tail

GM Rocker - CMAJ, 2015 - Can Med Assoc
It was a good start to a winter's day.“You're the best doctor EVER,” said the youngest sibling
of someone I was seeing to offer a second opinion. The siblings were there to make sure I …


FJ Mulcrone - crossworks.holycross.edu
A. Message from the Editor. New Year's Day is not a holiday like Christmas that appeals to
the child in-us, or a holy day like Easter when we put on bright new clothes and venture out …

Sometimes dying still stings

GA Sachs - JAMA, 2000 - jamanetwork.com
My mother-in-law, my wife, and her sister were saying these things as we were waiting for
my father-in-law Al to die. Their words surprised me because our family, along with Al and …

Scared to life

R Collier - CMAJ, 2009 - Can Med Assoc
Far too many people waltz through life, upcast and uptrodden, happier than a cow at a
vegan barbecue. But they shouldn't be happy. They should be dismayed, distressed and …

[BOOK][B] Play it again, Sam

W Allen, A Davies, L Peterson - 1969 - westhighdrama.com
I hope I̓m not bothering you... what do you have for an anxiety attack? I need a tranquilizer.
I have a throbbing in the pit of my stomach. My stomach feels jumpy. I'm finding it hard to …

Calming the storm

JJ Goitia - Jama, 2020 - jamanetwork.com
The barrage of sharp pains throughout my abdomen, the daily headaches, the weight loss,
all had me convinced that I was dying. I would lay awake for hours each night wondering …

[PDF][PDF] Teaming up

B Healy - US News & World Report, 2005 - truthaboutnursing.org
A young girl with a ruptured appendix; a middle-aged man with a massive heart attack; a
mother of three with a scary lump in her breast. Or perhaps it's your mother who fell on the …

[PDF][PDF] Getting Over the Mountains

M Wade - Mend, 2023 - surface.syr.edu
We were headed to Downstate Correctional Facility, which most referred to as “Downstate.” I
found this comical, though, because to us, anything past the Bronx was known as “Up …

Sick Day Shame: A Swinging Pendulum

K Rampon - Academic Medicine, 2023 - journals.lww.com
My stomach sank as the thin blue line appeared next to the “T” printed on my Sars Co-V2
test. What had been a normal day—an introductory lecture to thirdyear medical students …

[CITATION][C] Prominent men caught in Petaluma sting

C Hansen - Retrieved July, 2006