Mandatory vaccination of health care workers

C Diodati - CMAJ, 2002 - Can Med Assoc
In their excellent article on assisted reproductive technologies, 1 one controversial area that
Laura Shanner and Jeffrey Nisker did not discuss is the use of preimplantation genetic …

Preconceptional sex selection

L Shanner, J Nisker - CMAJ, 2002 - Can Med Assoc
In their excellent article on assisted reproductive technologies, 1 one controversial area that
Laura Shanner and Jeffrey Nisker did not discuss is the use of preimplantation genetic …

[PDF][PDF] Physicians must not help parents decide the gender of their unborn child: The case against preconception gender selection

GD Ravindran - National Medical Journal of India, 2003 - Citeseer
India has amongst the worst gender ratios in the world. Preconception gender selection can
aggravate this situation. This procedure is costly and has a moderate success rate. No moral …

A Feminist Is a Person Who Answers Yes to the Question, Are Women Human: An Argument against the Use of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis for Gender …

KK Downing - DePaul J. Health Care L., 2004 - HeinOnline
India's social climate reflects a strongly patriarchal culture, where for many years, female
infants were killed at birth for the sole reason that, 2 they lacked a" Y chromosome." As new …

Questioning the assumptions in the debate on assisted reproduction: comment on the House of Commons report Human Reproductive Technologies and the Law

P Guido - Reproductive biomedicine online, 2005 - Elsevier
The House of Commons Science and Technology Committee has issued a series of non-
dogmatic recommendations. Also regarding elective sex selection, it has adopted a …

Embryo sex selection: a social comment on the article by Malpani and Malpani.

N Pandiyan - Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 2002 -
Comments on the use of preimplantation genetic diagnosis as a family planning method in
India. Possible implications of enforcing family planning measures in India; Discussion on …

Sex selection: final word from the ASRM Ethics Committee on the use of PGD

J Robertson - The Hastings Center Report, 2002 -
Selecting the sex of children for non-medical purposes raises complicated questions of
sexism and gender stereotyping, procreative liberty, the allocation of medical resources …

India's anti-sex-selection law faces new challenges

DC Sharma - The Lancet, 2016 -
The Indian Government is facing criticism over the implementation of its 1994 law banning
the use of ultrasound machines to establish the sex of fetuses—a law enacted to stop …

Sex–selection by IVF: the freedom to choose

A Malpani - Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, 1998 -
While pre-implantational genetic diagnosis (PGD) represents the cutting edge of
reproductive technology, and gives us an idea of what may be possible in the future, it also …

India needs a policy for couples who lose children after sterilisation

P Pandey - BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, 2018 -
Despite being the first country to launch a family planning (FP) programme, India is currently
the world's second most populous country and will soon surpass China to become the most …