Allergic reactions: following patent blue dye injection.

DJ Sinclair, FA Perera - Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1969 -
4. LITTLE, RD AND MONTGOMERY, P 0 Ann. Intern. Med., 37: 197, 1952 5. BRINK, AJ AND
BoTitA, D.: Brat J Radiol., 28: 330, 1955. 6. NIcOLOFF, DM, FORTUNY, I. E AND DEWALL …

A Dermatitis Due to Aniline Dye in a Food Product: Report of a Case

HL BAER - Journal of the American Medical Association, 1934 -
The recognition of the existence of allergy in patients stimulates those interested in the
causation of the condition to delve into the minutest details to obtain significant leads …

Mercurial Granuloma in a Tattoo

RAG Lane, H Beerman, H Mescon - Canadian Medical Association …, 1954 -
IN A RECENT REVIEW of the medical complica-tions of tattooing, Beerman and Lane'noted
that the incidence of serious consequences of this procedure has been negligible …

[PDF][PDF] Studies of an urticarial response to blue and violet light in man

HF Blum, RJ West - The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 1937 - Am Soc Clin Investig
METHODS General method. The arrangement of the ap-paratus used in the following
experiments is dia-grammed in a general way in Figure 1. It consists of a 500-watt projection …

Can Hypersensitiveness Be Acquired?

FM RACKEMANN - Journal of the American Medical Association, 1925 -
During the last five years at the Massachusetts General Hospital, a large group of
hypersensitive persons has been studied. The case histories of a number of these persons …

Allergic reactions following the intravenous injection of corn sugar (dextrose)

TG RANDOLPH, JP ROLLINS, CK Walter - Archives of Surgery, 1950 -
IN THE past, reactions following the intravenous administration of solutions have been
interpreted principally as being due to pyrogen contamination. In a recent review of this …

Emergencies in the Allergist's Practice

GL WALDBOTT - Journal of the American Medical Association, 1945 -
Any one who treats a large number of allergic patients has had his share of emergencies.
The very fact that he is dealing with hypersensitive individuals makes him more liable to …

[CITATION][C] Constitutional reactions immediately after injection of concentrated serum

WD Sutliff - Journal of Allergy, 1930 - Elsevier
I MMEDIATE reactions following the intravenous injection of heterologous serum have been
described and the symptoms have been grouped into a well defined syndrome.(1) This …

Cutaneous Reactions to Flax and Linen in Five Cases of Bronchial Asthma and Two of Hay-Fever, with Poor Results from Specific Treatment

D Nicholson - Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1927 -
SEVEN cutaneous reactions to flax and linen were discovered in testing 158 patients with a
series of from 125 to 150 proteins. These reactions would have been missed with a small …

[PDF][PDF] US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare

SG Terry - 1965 -
A higher reaction rate in 1959 than in 1954, when a similar study was con¬ ducted, is
believed to be the result of better observation of patients rather than increased sensitization …