Nasal septal abscess caused by anaerobic bacteria of oral flora

Y Hyo, H Fukushima, T Harada, H Hara - Auris Nasus Larynx, 2019 - Elsevier
Although nasal septal abscess (NSA) was formerly common, it has become rare since the
development of antibiotics. NSA, if left untreated, can lead to intracranial complications such …

[HTML][HTML] The Bacterial Compositions of Nasal Septal Abscess in Patients with or without Diabetes

CW Luan, MS Tsai, YT Tsai, CM Hsu, CY Liu, YH Yang… - Life, 2022 -
The nasal septal abscess (NSA) is a rare but potentially fatal disease causing intracranial
infection. Treatments for NSA include antibiotics, surgical incision and drainage. Diabetes …

[PDF][PDF] Idiopathic Nasal Septal Abscess: A Case Report

N Moolman -
Nasal septal abscess (NSA) Page 1 A healthy 13-year-old male presented with complaints
of sinusitis and no previous history of head and neck infection, foreign body aspiration, sino-nasalsurgery …

[PDF][PDF] Successful Management of Life-Threatening Intra and Extracranial Complications Secondary to Nasal Septal Abscess in a Child

J Agilinko, SM Keh, D Veitch, B Ram… - J Clin Case Rep. 2020; 3 … -
Abstract Introduction: Nasal Septal Abscess (NSA) can occur following minor nasal trauma
or as a result of severe Acute Rhinosinusitis (ARS). Sinusitis can cause haematoma …


Spinal epidural apseler nadirdir fakat gecikmiş tanı ve tedavi nedeniyle nörolojik hasar hatta
ölüme neden olabilen ciddi durumlardır. Genellikle hastaların boyun ve sırt ağrısı ve lokalize …

Selulitis dorsum nasi akibat komplikasi abses septum nasi dengan komorbid diabetes melitus tipe⁴

TH TR, H Pranoto - Jurnal Kedokteran Syiah Kuala, 2021 -
Abses merupakan hasil dari penumpukan pus dalam jaringan ditubuh yang membentuk
sebuah rongga. Abses septum nasi masih umum di negara-negara berkembang, komorbid …

[PDF][PDF] 면역억제자에서 발생한 메치실린 내성황색포도상구균에 의한 비첨 농양

정회준, 정지용, 이흥만, 박일호 - 임상이비인후과, 2016 -
Nasal abscesses are uncommon and most frequently develops in the nasal septal space.
Nasal tip abscess is rarely encountered and there have been no well-documented reports of …

Abses Septum Nasi

R Fakhriani, T Amiruddin - Mutiara Medika: Jurnal Kedokteran dan …, 2016 -
Abses septum nasi merupakan kasus yang jarang dijumpai. Trauma nasal diketahui
sebagai penyebab dari abses septum nasi. Penanganan dini dari penyakit ini sangat …

[PDF][PDF] ABSCESO DEL SEPTUM NASAL DE ORIGEN ODONTOGÉNICO Nasal septum abscess of odontogenic origin

RA Caceres, LH Tapia, CM Talavera - Revista Medica Carrionica, 2016 -
Los abscesos nasales son infrecuentes en la práctica clínica, siendo usualmente resultado
de hematomas postraumáticos infectados. No obstante, también pueden originarse por …

Cervical epidural abcess due to nasal septal perforation

B Kazancı, H Ezerarslan, G Kaan Ataç… - Journal of Turkish …, 2015 -
Spinal epidural apseler nadirdir fakat gecikmiş tanı ve tedavi nedeniyle nörolojik hasar hatta
ölüme neden olabilen ciddi durumlardır. Genellikle hastaların boyun ve sırt ağrısı ve lokalize …