[HTML][HTML] Endoscopic resection of the tarsal tunnel ganglion

TH Lui - Arthroscopy Techniques, 2016 - Elsevier
The tarsal tunnel ganglion is a cause of posterior tarsal tunnel syndrome. Open resection of
the ganglion calls for release of the flexor retinaculum and dissection around the tibial …

Ganglia-Induced Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

K Koketsu, K Kim, T Tajiri, T Isu, D Morimoto… - Journal of Nippon …, 2024 - jstage.jst.go.jp
Background: Tarsal tunnel syndrome (TTS) is a common entrapment neuropathy that is
sometimes elicited by ganglia in the tarsal tunnel. Methods: Between August 2020 and July …

[HTML][HTML] Endoscopic ganglionectomy of the tarsal tunnel: A medial approach

TH Lui, SK Chan - Arthroscopy Techniques, 2021 - Elsevier
A ganglion inside the tarsal tunnel can compress the tibial nerve, leading to posterior tarsal
tunnel syndrome. Classically, the ganglion is resected with an open approach. This requires …

[BOOK][B] Athletic and Orthopedic Injury Assessment: Case Responses and Interpretations

DC Berry, MG Miller, LM Berry - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
Athletic and Orthopedic Injury Assessment: Case Responses and Interpretations is a
companion book that provides responses and interpretations to the case studies in Athletic …

[HTML][HTML] Clinical utility of tibial motor and sensory nerve conduction studies with motor recording from the flexor hallucis brevis: a methodological and reliability study

KM Galloway, ME Lester, RK Evans - Journal of foot and ankle research, 2011 - Springer
Background Standard tibial motor nerve conduction measures are established with
recording from the abductor hallucis. This technique is often technically challenging and …

[CITATION][C] Хирургическая декомпрессия большеберцового нерва при тарзальном туннельном синдроме у больных сахарным диабетом

ПС Кошиков - 2009 - elibrary.ru

[CITATION][C] Comparison of fault anatomy of sinus tarsi with imagings

SQ Liu, QL Wang, Y Li, CX Yan… - Yixue …, 2012 - … Zazhi, Jingsi-Weijiu Road No. 37 …