Box 1: Typical payment structures in $ for a prescription based on different drug and CPC scenarios
Scenario Insurer Insured CPC Total cost
A. Generic 25.60 6.40 0 32.00
B. Brand-name without CPC 96.00 24.00 0 120.00
C. Brand-name with CPC 96.00 6.40 17.60 120.00
D. Brand-name with CPC and mandatory generic substitution 25.60 6.40 88.00 120.00
E. Average cost within public plans based on results of Law et al. 3 25.93 10.93 83.14 120.00
F. Average cost within private plans based on results of Law et al. 3 37.38 6.27 76.35 120.00
  • Note: CPC = co-pay card.

  • Source: Calculations by the author, based on cost of $100 for brand-name version; $20 for generic version; $10 dispensing fee; 10% pharmacy margin; and 20% co-pay for insured patient.