Table 1:

Baseline characteristics of 1667 young children (< 2 yr) with minor head trauma

CharacteristicStudy cohort; no. (%) of patients*
Derivation cohort
n = 811
Validation cohort
n = 856
Age, mo, median (IQR)8 (5–12)8 (5–12)
Sex, male426 (52.5)463 (54.1)
Study site
 Hospital A586 (72.3)610 (71.3)
 Hospital B225 (27.7)210 (24.5)
 Hospital C040 (4.7)
Trauma due to a fall711 (87.7)756 (88.3)
 Fall from arms of a parent75 (9.2)82 (9.6)
 Fall in the stairs83 (10.2)109 (12.7)
Radiologic evaluation291 (35.9)354 (41.4)
Skull fracture49 (6.0)44 (5.1)
 Diastasis > 4 mm51
 Displaced fracture37
 Ping-pong fracture01
  • Note: IQR = interquartile range.

  • * Unless stated otherwise.

  • Hospital A = Centre hospitalier universitaire (CHU) Sainte-Justine, B = Montréal Children’s Hospital, C = Hôpital Fleurimont (CHU Sherbrooke).