Table 1:

Participant characteristics compared with Canadian population

CharacteristicNo. (%) of study cohort* (n = 1200)General public, % of population*
Age, yr, median (range)49 (18–85)46 (32–59)
% of respondents who did not provide age (95% CI)14 (1–17)NA
Sex, male517 (43.1)48.5
Educational background
 Professional or graduate135 (11.2)7.5
 College or university610 (50.8)46.8
 At least high school455 (37.9)45.7
Annual household income, $§
 ≤ 29 999244 (20.3)22.2
 30 000–39 999133 (11.1)9.2
 40 000–59 999273 (22.8)17.3
 60 000–79 999167 (13.9)14.0
 80 000–79 999100 (8.3)10.9
 ≥ 100 000171 (14.2)25.9
 Refused/don’t know112 (9.3)NA
Area of residence§
 Atlantic83 (6.9)7.1
 Quebec284 (23.7)23.9
 Ontario461 (38.4)38.2
 Prairies212 (17.7)17.1
 British Columbia158 (13.2)13.4
 Territories2 (<0.1)< 0.1
No. of children in household
 0554 (46.2)40.0
 1256 (21.3)27.0
 2241 (20.1)23.3
 ≥ 3149 (12.4)9.7
  • Note: CI = confidence interval, NA = not applicable.

  • * Except where indicated otherwise.

  • General population estimates are based on data for adults (age 18 years or older) from the 2011 Census of Canada (Statistics Canada).

  • p < 0.001, based on χ2 distribution.

  • § Percentages do not sum to 100 because of rounding errors.

  • p > 0.9, based on χ2 distribution.