Table 3:

Discussions about and importance of individual elements in determining goals of care

n = 233
Family members
n = 205
Occurrence n/N (%)Very or extremely important n/N (%)Ranking by importance*Occurrence n/N (%)Very or extremely important n/N (%)Ranking by importance*
Asked the respondent about preferences for care in event of life-threatening illness46/214 (21.5)95/195 (48.7)145/186 (24.2)118/177 (66.7)4
Inquired about the respondent’s values37/227 (16.3)98/215 (45.6)232/203 (15.8)126/194 (64.9)5
Discussed prognosis22/224 (9.8)88/200 (44.0)335/202 (17.3)147/193 (76.2)1
Gave an opportunity for the respondent to express fears or concerns50/222 (22.5)91/208 (43.8)452/182 (28.6)124/175 (70.9)2
Asked the respondent if they had additional questions about goals of care44/221 (19.9)91/208 (43.8)563/199 (31.7)133/189 (70.4)3
Provided information about outcomes, risks, benefits of comfort care22/223 (9.9)71/205 (34.6)635/201 (17.4)117/190 (61.6)6
Asked about prior discussions or written documents54/227 (23.8)73/213 (34.3)759/203 (29.1)110/198 (55.6)9
Offered a time to meet to discuss goals of care14/223 (6.3)61/202 (30.2)831/202 (15.3)113/193 (58.5)7
Provided information about outcomes, risks, benefits of life sustaining treatments28/225 (12.4)58/207 (28.0)938/202 (18.8)107/192 (55.7)8
Provided information to review about advance care planning before discussions8/228 (3.5)50/207 (24.2)108/203 (3.9)87/191 (45.5)10
Helped access legal documents to record advance care plans3/219 (1.4)37/197 (18.8)113/200 (1.5)66/187 (35.3)11
  • ↵* According to percentage of participants who ranked the element as very or extremely important; Spearman correlation coefficient = 0.001.