Table 2:

Prevalence estimates of ideal, intermediate and poor cardiovascular health based on data from the Canadian Community Health Survey, 2009–2010

GroupPrevalence, % (95% CI)CANHEART health index score, mean (95% CI)
Poor health*Intermediate healthIdeal health
Adults (> 20 yr)
Overall37.3 (36.8–37.8)53.3 (52.7–53.8)9.4 (9.1–9.8)3.87 (3.86–3.89)
Men42.0 (41.2–42.8)51.9 (51.1–52.7)6.1 (5.7–6.5)3.71 (3.69–3.73)
Women32.6 (31.9–33.3)54.6 (53.9–55.3)12.8 (12.3–13.3)4.04 (4.02–4.06)
Youth (12–19 yr)
Overall49.7 (48.4–51.0)33.7 (32.4–34.9)16.6 (15.6–17.6)2.49 (2.47–2.52)
Boys49.9 (48.1–51.6)34.0 (32.3–35.8)16.1 (14.7–17.5)2.48 (2.45–2.52)
Girls49.6 (47.7–51.5)33.3 (31.6–35.1)17.1 (15.7–18.4)2.51 (2.47–2.54)
  • Note: CI = confidence interval.

  • * Presence of 0–3 ideal health factors or behaviours among adults and 0–2 ideal health factors or behaviours among youth.

  • Presence of 4–5 ideal health factors or behaviours among adults and 3 ideal health factors or behaviours among youth.

  • Presence of all ideal health factors and behaviours (6 among adults; 4 among youth).