PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Knight, L. AU - Fraser, R. G. AU - Robson, H. G. TI - Massive pulmonary gangrene: a severe complication of Klebsiella pneumonia DP - 1975 Jan 25 TA - Canadian Medical Association Journal PG - 196--198 VI - 112 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - CMAJ1975 Jan 25; 112 AB - Summary: Massive pulmonary gangrene developed in two patients. Review of the literature reveals 10 other case reports of pulmonary gangrene complicating lobar pneumonia. Among the total of 12 patients whose cases have now been reported, all 4 patients who were treated nonsurgically died and the 8 who underwent surgical resection of the gangrenous lung survived. The present report emphasizes the necessity of early recognition and appropriate surgical treatment for a successful outcome.