PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Enarson, D. A. AU - Fujii, M. AU - Nakielna, E. M. AU - Grzybowski, S. TI - Bone and joint tuberculosis: a continuing problem DP - 1979 Jan 20 TA - Canadian Medical Association Journal PG - 139--145 VI - 120 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - CMAJ1979 Jan 20; 120 AB - Although tuberculous disease of bones and joints is becoming uncommon, it still occurs and may cause devastating sequelae. It is frequently not diagnosed prior to the onset of permanent damage to the joints or spine; the most important reason for this delay may be the fact that it is not considered in the differential diagnosis of monoarthritis or back pain. Most persons with the disease have other evidence of tuberculosis. Not infrequently an aggressive approach (including synovial biopsy or surgical exploration of the back) is needed to confirm the diagnosis when there are no other clues.