Sexual orientation not included in analysis =========================================== * Brian M. Cornelson In their analysis of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in oropharyngeal cancer in five comprehensive cancer centres, Habbous and colleagues1 did not include sexual orientation as a demographic characteristic. The population of men who have sex with men is at far higher risk of HPV infection, with increased susceptibility owing to the prevalence of HIV infection. This could account for much of the increased incidence of HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer in men. ## Footnotes * **Competing interests:** None declared. ## Reference 1. Habbous S, Chu KP, Lau H, et al. Human papillomavirus in oropharyngeal cancer in Canada: analysis of 5 comprehensive cancer centres using multiple imputation. CMAJ 2017;189:E1030–40. [Abstract/FREE Full Text](