Restaurant industry opposes calorie content disclosure ====================================================== * Mark MacLeod I was disappointed to read that the Canadian Restaurant and Foodservice Association (CRFA) remains opposed to menu labelling.1 Since 2009, Ontario’s doctors have been calling on chain restaurants and school boards across the province to post calorie counts on menus and menu boards, and we continue to stand by that call. Although the CRFA is resistant to this important initiative, its US counterpart, the National Restaurant Association, has said, “The passage of this provision [menu labelling] is a win for consumers and restaurateurs, [and] we know the importance of providing consumers with the information they want and need.”2 The Ontario Medical Association (OMA) report, *Treatment of Childhood Overweight and Obesity*, shows that 25% of children are overweight or obese, and 75% of obese children become obese adults.3 Overall, the impact of overweight and obesity on health is estimated to cost Ontario $2.2 to $2.5 billion per year. Ontario’s doctors believe that menu labelling will have an impact on obesity rates, but it is not the only initiative that is needed to tackle the obesity epidemic. The OMA also wants to see an education campaign that teaches people about the importance of calories in healthy weight management. Physicians have seen first-hand the shock from patients when they find out that something like a tuna melt can have twice as many calories as a double cheeseburger. By learning more about calories and their impact on overall health, and by having better information about the food on menus, consumers will be empowered to make better and informed choices. ## References 1. Vogel L. Canadian restaurant industry opposes calorie content disclosure. CMAJ 2010;182:E777–8. [FREE Full Text]( 2. National Restaurant Association. National restaurant association says nutrition information provision is win for consumers and restaurants. Available: []( 3. Ontario Medical Association. Treatment of childhood overweight and obesity. Toronto (ON): The Association; 2008.