Books received ============== Cummings SR, Cosman F, Jamal SA, editors. **Osteoporosis: an evidence-based guide to prevention and management**. Philadelphia: American College of Physicians–American Society of Internal Medicine; 2002. pp 290 $34.40 ISBN 0-943126-95-9 Dickenson DL, editor. **Ethical issues in maternal–fetal medicine**. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2002. pp 353 $56.35 ISBN 0-521-66474-8 Engelhardt HT Jr, Cherry MJ, editors. **Allocating scarce medical resources: Roman Catholic perspectives**. Washington: Georgetown University Press; 2002. pp 352 US$39.95 ISBN 0-87840-882-7 Erkinjuntti T, Gauthier S, editors. **Vascular cognitive impairment**. London (UK): Martin Dunitz; 2002. pp 660 (cloth) $159.39 ISBN 1-85317-939-6 Scheid V. **Chinese medicine in contemporary China: plurality and synthesis**. Durham (NC): Duke University Press; 2002. pp 407 (paper) US$23.95 ISBN 0-8223-2872-0 (cloth) US$69.95 ISBN 0-8223-2857-7 Yezierski RP, Burchiel KJ, editors. **Spinal cord injury pain: assessment, mechanisms, management. Progress in pain research and management**. Vol. 23. Seattle: IASP Press; 2002. pp 443 (cloth) $143.29 ISBN 0-931092-43-4