White coats and ties, please ============================ Male, female, young, old, white, black — when it comes to their doctor, most people just don't care. But they do care what their doctor wears, a new study indicates (*Archives of Dermatology* 2002;138[4]:463-8). ![Figure1](http://www.cmaj.ca/https://www.cmaj.ca/content/cmaj/167/1/67.2/F1.medium.gif) [Figure1](http://www.cmaj.ca/content/167/1/67.2/F1) Figure. In a survey of 275 patients at 2 dermatology practices, more than half of respondents wanted their physicians to dress conservatively: jeans and sandals were out, while white coats, dress pants and name badges were in. Lead author Dr. Matt Kanzler was surprised that the findings were virtually identical over all age groups, races and socioeconomic classes. “I would have expected that physicians' appearance would have been more important to older patients, but this was not the case,” he said. Kanzler says that patients may perceive a well-dressed physician as being more meticulous and serious than one who dresses casually. — *CMAJ*