Online obituary searching now available ======================================= *CMAJ* is the only Canadian journal to publish large numbers of physician death notices - a job it has been doing since it was first published in 1911. Now, thanks to staff at Montreal's McGill University Library, every death notice ever published in *CMAJ* or its predecessors - *Maritime Medical News,* the *Montreal Medical Journal* and the *Canadian Medical and Surgical Journal* - is now referenced online. For instance, visitors who type in "Osler" will learn instantly that Sir William's obituary appeared in *CMAJ* in 1920 (vol. 10, page 97). David Crawford, McGill's health sciences librarian, says the file contains reference information for more than 12 000 physicians. "As time, money and energy allow, we would like to add references to obits in other Canadian journals, but we have no immediate plans for this," he added. The site is located at []( FIGURE ![Figure1]( [Figure1]( Figure.