CMA's investment funds.

TJ Muckle - CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1989 -
MX y wife and I were among 8 Canadians and 65 Americans who enjoyed the tour
commented on by Dr. Alfred M. Warrington (Can Med Assoc J 1989; 140: 1430). The …

An official of MD Management Limited, the CMA's financial subsidiary, responds

GF Powers - CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1989 -
MX y wife and I were among 8 Canadians and 65 Americans who enjoyed the tour
commented on by Dr. Alfred M. Warrington (Can Med Assoc J 1989; 140: 1430). The …


DD Lum - California Medicine, 1954 -
Perhaps you are one of the few CMA members who take the time to study the annual
financial report. It is published in CALIFORNIA MEDICINE be-fore each annual session, in …

Benefits of CMA membership

D Woods - Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1982 -
The story of the vacationing patient who sent his psychiatrist a postcard bearing the
message" Having a lovely time. Why?" may well be apocryphal, but it parallels a question …

CMA board told economy drive kept association out of red

DA Geekie - Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1977 -
Honorary Treasurer Dr. LR Harnick reported to the December meeting of the CMA Board of
Directors that this year's $10 dues increase, approved by General Council in June after …

CMA and its divisions form a complementary partnership.

JD Wallace - Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1974 -
CMA, located in Toronto at that time, fitted into the scheme of things. Each year when I paid
my combined provin-cial and national association dues, a receipt indicated I was a member …

An Invitation to all CMA Members from the Chairman of Council, British Medical Association

S Wand - Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1957 -
April 1, 1957, vol. 76 to graduate at the age of 25 found general practice relatively
unattractive, whereas the man who was graduating at age 28 or over opted for general …

Another first for Dr. Wendy Clay

MC Martin - CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1989 -
MX y wife and I were among 8 Canadians and 65 Americans who enjoyed the tour
commented on by Dr. Alfred M. Warrington (Can Med Assoc J 1989; 140: 1430). The …

CMA membership: a blue chip investment

C Gray - Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1982 -
" What do all you people in here do?" doctors are frequently heard to ask, in bewildered
tones, when they arrive at their professional associa-tion's Ottawa headquarters. The blonde …

An appeal to CMA members.

L Richard - Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1982 -
Les annees 80 placent la profession medicale devant un defi tres clair: les soins medicaux
au Canada seront-ils un succes ou un echec? Le pays est aux prises avec des difficultes …