Expanding scope of pharmacists

ST Fanella, A Walus - CMAJ, 2014 - Can Med Assoc
1. Tannenbaum C, Tsuyuki RT. The expanding scope of pharmacists' practice: implications
for physicians. CMAJ 2013; 185: 1228-32. 2. Bond CA, Raehl CL. Clinical pharmacy …

Pharmacists' responsibilities in a healthy democracy

MC Nahata - American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 2021 - academic.oup.com
Department of Health and Human Services; 2019. https://www. cdc. gov/std/stats18/
STDSurveillance2018-full-report. pdf 2. Workowski KA, Bolan GA. Sexually transmitted …

Patient advocacy

JC Clifford - CMAJ, 2014 - Can Med Assoc
1. Tannenbaum C, Tsuyuki RT. The expanding scope of pharmacists' practice: implications
for physicians. CMAJ 2013; 185: 1228-32. 2. Bond CA, Raehl CL. Clinical pharmacy …

184. Pharmacist role in antimicrobial stewardship research: a 30-year experience

KE Pillinger, R Jariwala, PDNJ Mercuro… - Open Forum …, 2020 - academic.oup.com
Background Antimicrobial stewardship program (ASP) guidance from the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention recommends co-leadership of both an infectious-diseases …

1019. The Future is Embedded in the Present-Characterizing Pharmacist Interventions in an Infectious Diseases Clinic

S Depcinski, A Bhargava - Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 2022 - academic.oup.com
Background Incorporating clinical pharmacists into the outpatient care setting can improve
patient outcomes; however, the focus has mostly been on primary care. In 2021, Ascension …

Pharmacists' roles in antimicrobial stewardship:“All hands on deck”

D Slain - American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 2023 - academic.oup.com
When I entered my postgraduate year 2 infectious diseases residency and fellowship
training at the Medical College of Virginia Hospitals in Richmond (now known as Virginia …

Takin'it to the streets: antimicrobial stewardship in the outpatient setting

AL Pakyz, SE Harpe - Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, 2016 - japha.org
Antibiotic resistance has emerged internationally as a major public health crisis. The
National Action Plan for Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria outlines a plan to reduce …

[HTML][HTML] Practice spotlight: pharmacists in an antimicrobial stewardship program

L Dresser, S Nelson - The Canadian journal of hospital pharmacy, 2010 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
America (SHEA) published guidelines for developing an institutional antimicrobial
stewardship program. 1 One impetus for these guidelines was emerging evidence that many …

Which pharmacists are performing antimicrobial stewardship: A national survey and a call for collaborative efforts

B Dionne, JL Wagner, DB Chastain… - Antimicrobial …, 2022 - cambridge.org
Objectives: To determine how pharmacists with formal antimicrobial stewardship program
(ASP) responsibilities prioritize their time and pharmacists without formal antimicrobial …

[PDF][PDF] Pharmacist-Led Antimicrobial Stewardship. LOJ Phar & Cli Res 1 (4)-2019

AK Mohiuddin - LOJPCR. MS. ID - academia.edu
The value of critical care pharmacists has been well documented. Various studies have
shown that critical care pharmacists reduce medication errors, improve patient outcomes …