MDs urged to collaborate as the borderlines of health care are redrawn.

J Rafuse - CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1993 -
Le directeur general de l'Institut Michener, un des plus importants centres canadiens de
formation des professionnels des sciences de la sante, dit que les medecins doivent …

MDs should assume more responsibility for managing health care, Royal College audience told.

E Godley - CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1994 -
Des changements importants ont deloge les medecins de leur place traditionnelle au
sommet du reseau des soins de sante au Canada, a declare le Dr Martin Barkin au cours …

Future looks bleak for new MDs as practice limitations become national issue.

LS Williams - CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1993 -
Les interneset les residents en medecine se sen-tent trahis, et ils-sont irrites par la decision
des gouvernements provinciaux d'eliminer des depenses de soins de sante en restreignant …

CMA-run courses for MDs sign of changing times in health care management.

RA Crutcher - CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1992 -
The national intermixing that takes place at PMI courses is useful-part of what you learn
comes from spending time with a group ofinformed colleagues who share many of your …

Organized medicine must assume a leadership role in protecting Canada's health care system.

LP Landry - CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1993 -
L'auteur soutient que la profession medicale doit s' ef-forcer de proteger le systeme
canadien de soins de sante, as-sailli detoutes parts. I1 enumere les mesures prises par …

Medicine and health care: a marriage of necessity.

EA Lindsay, C Herbert - CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association …, 1994 -
Dans ce numero (voir pages 1775 a 1779) le Dr John Patrick nous previent: si la medecine
maintient son cap actuel, il faudra la distinguer de la pratique de la medecine. I1 pleure la …

CMA leadership conference: MDs must recognize that resources are limited.

A Chouinard - CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1989 -
962 CMAJ, VOL. 140, APRIL 15, 1989 ling, user fees in general, save for those who are
abusing the system, which we all know about but he can't identify." Statistics largely verify …

[HTML][HTML] Medical leadership: doctors at the helm of change

N Chadi - McGill Journal of Medicine: MJM, 2009 -
Since the beginnings of the modern era, medicine has evolved tremendously. Merely two
hundred years ago, American and European medical treatments were generally provided by …

Physicians must come to the aid of the party.

DA Geekie - Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1982 -
" How can physicians who are so professionally tuned to diagnosing the health problems of
others and helping to resolve them fail to see the need to ask politicians what our problems …

Managed care organizations and academic medicine: establishing a more effective working alliance.

TD Eppright, S Bradley, C Sinkler - Missouri Medicine, 2000 -
Instead of focusing solely on the demonization of" managed care" as an abstract concept,
we suggest that institutions of medical education recognize that managed care in some form …