The death of Bill C-203.

HR Pankratz - CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1993 -
D r. Arnoldus J. Verster in-dicates in his letter (Can Med Assoc J 1992; 147: 1748) that
euthanasia in the Neth-erlands is performed on only about 3700 patients annually and is …

Bill C-203: a postmortem analysis of the" right-to-die" legislation that died.

LC Charland, PA Singer - CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association …, 1993 -
Le projet de loi C-203 etait cense etre une solution legislative a l'ventuelle responsabilite
criminelle des medecins quant au respect de la volonte des patients de renoncer (retenue …

Euthanasia in The Netherlands.

AJ Verster - CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1994 -
A recent letter about health care in the Netherlands (Can Med Assoc J 1994; 151: 273), by
Dr. Howard Bright, has upset me very much. I am a retired physician of Dutch origin. My …

Euthanasia in The Netherlands.

H Rigter, E Borst-Eilers, HJ Leenen - CMAJ: Canadian Medical …, 1989 -
Lthanasia in the Nether-lands, they seldom really know what the practice is. For example, it
is simply not true that, as Dr. Albert J. Kirshen states (Can Med AssocJ 1988; 139: 1041), in …

Euthanasia: normal medical practice?

HAMJ Ten Have, JVM Welie - Hastings Center Report, 1992 - JSTOR
by Henk AMJ ten Have and Jos V M. Welie ince the 1973 Leeuwarden trial of a doctor who
killed a patient requesting euthanasia, public debate on eu-thanasia in the Netherlands has …

The present day practice of euthanasia

CI Dessaur, CJC Rutsenfrans - Issues L. & Med., 1987 - HeinOnline
The proponents of the legalization of voluntary euthanasia repeatedly employ the argument
that the regulation in law which they advocate is necessary" in order to close the gap …

Medicine, terminal illness and the law.

CP Harrison - Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1977 -
John D. was discovered to have carcinoma of the stomach some months ago. At surgery, the
tumour was found to be inoperable and the surgery was palliative. He is in the terminal …

The State of Euthanasia—Great Britain, Australia and the United States

JP Mullooly - The Linacre Quarterly, 1989 -
Euthanasia, the active, direct termination of a person's life, in Great Britain, Australia and the
United States is prohibited by law. In Great Britain, there is no legislative drive to have this …

The report of the Dutch governmental committee on euthanasia

R Fenigsen - Issues L. & Med., 1991 - HeinOnline
On January 17, 1990, the then newly formed coalition government of the Netherlands
appointed the Committee to Investigate the Medical Practice Concerning Euthanasia. The …

Euthanasia and related taboos.

EH Kluge - CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1991 -
L ike it or not, physicians are going to be reading a lot about euthanasia in the next few
years. It will not be the type of thing we are used to reading in the paper-" Husband poisons …