Cold hard death, cold hard doctors.

ED Charleton - CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1992 -
I find it difficult to be sure exactly when Ms. Davis-Barron perceived the care of her mother to
fall short of what most people would regard as standard for a dying patient in an acute care …

Cold hard death, cold hard doctors.

GL Higgins - CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1992 -
I cannot help but comment on the article by Ms. Davis-Barron. I, too, had experience ofa
physician whose very bluntness and cold efficiency when she told me of my son's diagnosis …

Cold hard death, cold hard doctors.

MR Lowrey - CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1992 -
would like to respond to this Commentary article by Sherri Davis-Barron (Can Med Assoc J
1992; 146: 560-563). I regret that Davis-Barron and her family had such a painful experience …

Cold hard death, cold hard doctors.

D Delva - CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1992 -
Ms. Davis-Barronmight com-plain to the media, the courts, the provincial College of Phys-
icians and Surgeons and Parlia-ment. She might threaten, revile, abuse, denigrate, force …

Cold hard death, cold hard doctors.

S Davis-Barron - CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1992 -
I am ajournalist, and journal-ists tend to keep their pain to themselves. We write about
everyone else's. But I know that my mother would have wanted me to write this story. There …

Cold hard death, cold hard doctors.

GM Spurll - CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1992 -
I read with sorrow and chagrin Ms. Davis-Barron's compelling and moving article on the lack
of compassion in the medical profession. Whenever one of our patients or their loved ones …

Cold hard death, cold hard doctors.

JE Mullens - CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1992 -
I read with sorrow and chagrin Ms. Davis-Barron's compelling and moving article on the lack
of compassion in the medical profession. Whenever one of our patients or their loved ones …

Cold hard death, cold hard doctors.

M Bernstein - CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1992 -
I read with sorrow and chagrin Ms. Davis-Barron's compelling and moving article on the lack
of compassion in the medical profession. Whenever one of our patients or their loved ones …

but she became pale and exsanguine, and at

OPM TIMIES - 2006 -
Abstract [AT the College of Physicians, at the first meeting for the season, a paper was read
by Sir Henry Halford, the President, on the deaths of some eminent persons of modern …

Death.—At a meeting of the Senior Class of the Chicago Medical College, the following resolutions were adopted: Whereas, A mysterious Providence lias removed

JS McCord, DAK Steele -
Resolved, That in his death the Senior Class has sus tained the loss of one of its most active
and brilliant members, and the medical profession an able and en thusiastic supporter. He …