Kappa statistic

DN Juurlink, AS Detsky - CMAJ, 2005 - Can Med Assoc
Thomas McGinn and colleagues1 suggest in Table 1 that values for the kappa statistic range
from 0 to 1. However, negative values of kappa are also possible. 2 Although unusual in …

Guidelines of the minimum sample size requirements for Kappa agreement test

MA Bujang, N Baharum - Epidemiology, biostatistics, and public …, 2017 - riviste.unimi.it
Method: We adopted the sample size formula provided by Flack and colleagues (1988) to
calculate the minimum sample sizes required using PASS software. The power is pre …

Kappa and its dependence on marginal rates

RJ Cook - Encyclopedia of biostatistics, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
The kappa statistic is a widely used measure for quantifying agreement between raters
using nominal scales. It is advocated on the grounds that it “corrects” for a level of …

Accessible calculation of multirater kappa statistics for pathologists

G Venkataraman, V Ananthanarayanan, GP Paner - Virchows Archiv, 2006 - Springer
Dear Editor: Multirater kappa statistics are relatively underused by pathologists to study
interobserver agreement [1, 3]. While several methods are available for measuring …

Homogeneity of kappa statistics in multiple samples

JF Reed III - Computer methods and programs in biomedicine, 2000 - Elsevier
The measurement of intra-observer agreement when the data are categorical has been the
subject of several investigators since Cohen first proposed the kappa (κ) as a chance …

[PDF][PDF] Medidas de concordancia: el índice de Kappa

L de Ullibarri Galparsoro, S Pita Fernández - Cad Aten Primaria, 1999 - academia.edu
En cualquier estudio de investigación una cuestión clave es la fiabilidad de los
procedimientos de medida empleados. Como señala Fleiss (1) en el contexto de los …

Kappa statistic

CR Carpenter - CMAJ, 2005 - Can Med Assoc
Iapplaud Farrah Mateen1 for cri-tiquing, among other things, the money-paved road to
medical school. Fees for my med school applications this year exceeded $1000. If I receive …

Weighted least‐squares approach for comparing correlated kappa

HX Barnhart, JM Williamson - Biometrics, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
In the medical sciences, studies are often designed to assess the agreement between
different raters or different instruments. The kappa coefficient is a popular index of …

[CITATION][C] Hoehler's adjusted kappa is equivalent to Yule's Y

SD Walter - Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2001 - jclinepi.com
Hoehler has recently discussed the effects of bias and prevalence on Cohen's kappa index
of agreement. He proposed an adjustment to kappa, using the observed odds ratio (OR). I …

[CITATION][C] Agreement statistics: Kappa coefficients in medical research

HC Kraemer, VS Periyakoil… - Tutorials in Biostatistics …, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
Agreement Statistics: Kappa Coefficients in Medical Research Page 1 1.3 Agreement Statistics
TUTORIAL IN BIOSTATISTICS Kappa coe cients in medical research Helena Chmura …