What price freedom?

DB Clark - CMAJ, 1998 - Can Med Assoc
Dr. Andrew A. Horn's letter “Dr. McCrae's expensive war medals”(CMAJ 1998; 158 [10]:
1271) expresses a deplorable lack of awareness and sensitivity to the contributions and …


A Richards, Y Maurice - 1984 - HeinOnline
EMPLOYMENT / AGE Board of Adjudication Albert Richards and Maurice, Yeo v. Canada …

Recognizing the Price of Freedom.

EG Osman - Florida Bar Journal, 2000 - search.ebscohost.com
Criticizes a proposed bill that will add more justices to the United States Supreme Court and
permit legislators to make political assignments to judicial nominating commissions …

Making a Joke of Human Rights

MF Cannon - 2010 - policycommons.net
Earlier this year, Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Obama signed legislation that threatens
US residents with prison if they fail to purchase health insurance. This week, his …

Pray or pay: The rights of Canadians abroad

N Des Rosiers - Omar Khadr, Oh Canada, 2012 - degruyter.com
The Omar Khadr tragedy may be told through many angles. One could see it as a test of
Canada's commitment to the International Convention on the Rights of the Child: a failure …

[PDF][PDF] Civil Rights Justice on the Cheap

D McWhorter - New York Times Sunday Review, 2013 - kriegerland.net
CAMBRIDGE, Mass.—VICTIMS often absorb the shame that should belong to the
perpetrators. For most of her 62 years, Sarah Collins Rudolph has confronted that misplaced …

Economic Pressures Put Courts in the Crosshairs of Reforms to the Administration of Justice: Correspondent's Report from Canada

A Dodek - Legal Ethics, 2012 - HeinOnline
Bill Clinton immortalised this phrase in his surprise victory over the seemingly unbeatable
George HW Bush in the 1992 US presidential campaign. But it can also explain a number of …

[PDF][PDF] Calibrating the Scales of Justice: Balancing Fundamental Freedoms in United States and Canada [Note]

R Nunez - 1997 - repository.arizona.edu
The adoption of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Charter) in 1982 was a
revolutionary event in Canadian history with great implications for the future. 2 Much like the …

What Price Human Rights?

WF Schulz, JR Bolton - The National Interest on International …, 2018 - api.taylorfrancis.com
I have noted with interest your recent appointment to the Commission on International
Religious Freedom, recently created to report on violations of religious rights around the …

All Is Not Fair in War: The Need for a Permanent War Crimes Tribunal

DJ Mitchell - Drake L. Rev., 1995 - HeinOnline
No man is an Island, intire of it selfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the
maine; if Clod bee washed away by the Sea; Europe is the lesse, as well as if a Promontorie …