[HTML][HTML] TB or not TB?

AS Komorowski - CMAJ, 2017 - Can Med Assoc
The lobby, recently renovated with a glut of donor money, was fresh and clean, but filled with
sick patients in stasis who were aimlessly wandering but going nowhere. I felt like I …

IOM report a blueprint for elimination of TB

J Stephenson - JAMA, 2000 - jamanetwork.com
WASHINGTON—There is a gap in understanding between medicine and the law, and it
needs to be bridged, said John Eisenberg, MD, director of the Agency for Health Care …

Any resident's story

BM Knoppers - CMAJ, 2006 - europepmc.org
11: 14 I can't wait until I'm on staff. I'm gonna leave my watch at home every day. Maybe I'll
just forget how to tell time altogether.11: 20 Okay, he should be here any minute now. No …

Any resident's story

P Moorehead - CMAJ, 2006 - Can Med Assoc
11: 14 I can't wait until I'm on staff. I'm gonna leave my watch at home every day. Maybe I'll
just forget how to tell time altogether.11: 20 Okay, he should be here any minute now. No …

My other career.

T Boadway - CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1988 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
It has been a happy journey, but an unpredictable one. When I was asked to do a radio
show 21/2 years ago, I never anticipated that a few minutes in front of a mike would lead …

The doctor is in. Despite GOP protests over the recess appointment of Berwick to the top CMS post, the IHI chief is slated to be sworn in this week--and he's got a lot to …

M DoBias - Modern Healthcare, 2010 - europepmc.org
Republicans are raising a stink about the recess appointment of Donald Berwick to lead the
CMS, but providers are welcoming the patient-safety crusader to his new post. One reason …


M Goldberg - First Things, 2020 - search.proquest.com
“Sing it again,” I want to ask them both as I sit here alone behind mesh drapes on paper
drawn across a vinyl table—easier to clean but somehow sticky, not cold, instead …

What exactly were you highlighting?

MB Abdurrahman - CMAJ, 2000 - Can Med Assoc
Iwould like to add my voice to that of Alex Porzecanski, whose letter lamented the lack of
support for foreign-trained physicians. 1 Not only are there considerable stumbling blocks for …

The buck must stop somewhere

ES Weiss - CMAJ, 2018 - Can Med Assoc
Dr. Kelsall's editorial1 on the recent Ontario court decision upholding the requirement for
“effective referral” seems to mischaracterize the specifics of what the College of Physicians …

[PDF][PDF] What exactly were you highlighting?

WS Lofters - CMAJ, 2000 - Can Med Assoc
Iwould like to add my voice to that of Alex Porzecanski, whose letter lamented the lack of
support for foreign-trained physicians. 1 Not only are there considerable stumbling blocks for …