[BOOK][B] Social isolation and loneliness in older adults: Opportunities for the health care system

National Academies of Sciences… - 2020 - books.google.com
Social isolation and loneliness are serious yet underappreciated public health risks that
affect a significant portion of the older adult population. Approximately one-quarter of …

Elderly abuse: risk factors and nursing role

G Corbi, I Grattagliano, E Ivshina, N Ferrara… - Internal and emergency …, 2015 - Springer
Elderly abuse is still a hidden problem, often underestimated. It is much more common than
the data available suggest. Unfortunately, the incidence is expected to grow with the …

Envelhecer no concelho de Oeiras: Estudo numa população institucionalizada

L Carrilho, C Gameiro, A Ribeiro - Análise Psicológica, 2015 - publicacoes.ispa.pt
Com o aumento da esperança de vida e a diminuição do número de nascimentos é notório
o envelhecimento da população portuguesa, que por isso, apresenta uma maior …

Burnout Among Formal Caregivers and Risk of Violence Against Institutionalized Elderly

S Valido, E do Carmo Caldeira… - Research Anthology on …, 2022 - igi-global.com
Sociodemographic changes occurring in past decades are reflected as increased
population aging, resulting in a higher need to institutionalize elderly. Violence against …

El maltrato a personas mayores atendidas por los Servicios Sociales

MR Castilla-Mora - 2015 - riuma.uma.es
La presente tesis trata sobre el maltrato a las personas mayores (MPM). El MPM es el último
tipo de violencia familiar, junto con la violencia de género y el maltrato infantil, por la que los …


MRP An - 2019 - rshare.library.torontomu.ca
Master of Social Work, 2019 Arafat Mustafa Program of Social Work, Ryerson University
Using a narrative approach to qualitative research, this study involved interviewing three …

Prevenção da violência sobre o idoso institucionalizado no concelho de Évora

S Valido - 2018 - dspace.uevora.pt
As alterações sociodemográficas das últimas décadas refletem-se no aumento do
envelhecimento populacional, verificando-se uma crescente necessidade de …

[PDF][PDF] Elder abuse and victimization: yet another vulnerable population

N Pigeon - 2014 - ir.library.ontariotechu.ca
The world we live in is plagued with sensitive familial issues such as child abuse and
domestic violence. Elder abuse is an example of this family abuse. Elder abuse is no …

[PDF][PDF] What Works to Prevent Intimate Partner Violence and Elder Abuse?

L Thornley - 2013 - msd.govt.nz
This paper synthesises research evidence on preventing intimate partner violence and elder
abuse before violence occurs. Quigley and Watts Ltd conducted this review for the Ministry …

A longitudinal view of emotional vitality in caregivers

S Edwards - 2013 - escholarship.mcgill.ca
Depuis les dernières décennies, la gestion de la guérison suite à un accident vasculaire
cérébral (AVC) a considérablement évolué. Approximativement, 80% des gens retournent à …