Table 3:

Predictors associated with death in hospital for patients with fall as the injury mechanism*

PredictorsHospital mortality, no. (%)Adjusted OR (95% CI)
n = 2505
n = 59 779
 Male1020 (40.7)17 156 (28.7)1.58 (1.45–1.73)
 Female1485 (59.3)42 623 (71.3)Reference
Age category, yr
 65–84283 (11.3)14 073 (23.5)Reference
 75–84895 (35.7)24 895 (41.6)2.05 (1.79–2.36)
 ≥ 851326 (52.9)20 811 (34.8)4.41 (3.83–5.05)
No. of injuries
 11454 (58.0)38 102 (63.7)Reference
 2474 (18.9)11 897 (19.9)1.02 (0.92–1.14)
 ≥ 3577 (23.0)9780 (16.4)1.13 (1.01–1.27)
Major trauma (ISS > 15)
 Yes506 (20.2)5371 (9.0)1.65 (1.46–1.86)
 No1999 (79.8)54 408 (91.0)Reference
Admission to intensive care unit
 Yes747 (29.8)5386 (9.0)4.05 (3.67–4.47)
 No1758 (70.2)54 393 (91.0)Reference
Diagnosis of malignant tumour in yr before fall
 Yes459 (18.3)8487 (14.2)1.28 (1.15–1.42)
 No2046 (81.7)51 292 (85.8)Reference
No. of comorbidities, mean ± SD0.86 ± 0.900.77 ± 0.831.07 (1.03–1.13)
Antidepressant prescription filled within 2 wk before fall
 Yes493 (19.7)11 635 (19.5)0.96 (0.86–1.07)
 No2012 (80.3)48 144 (80.5)Reference
Antipsychotic prescription filled within 2 wk before fall
 Yes306 (12.2)4731 (7.9)1.77 (1.55–2.01)
 No2199 (87.8)55 048 (92.1)Reference
Benzodiazepine prescription filled within 2 wk before fall
 Yes57 (2.3)1577 (2.6)0.89 (0.68–1.17)
 No2448 (97.7)58 202 (97.4)Reference
Opioid prescription filled within 2 wk before fall
 Yes174 (6.9)2867 (4.8)1.59 (1.35–1.87)
 No2331 (93.1)56 912 (95.2)Reference
  • Note: CI = confidence interval, ISS = Injury Severity Scale, OR = odds ratio, SD = standard deviation.

  • * Patients who had a fall as injury mechanism: n = 62 284.

  • Unless otherwise indicated.

  • Adjusted for all variables included in the table.