Table 2:

Baseline functional status in tertiles of resting heart rate and SDNN

VariableTertiles of heart rate and SDNN; mean (SE)*p for trend
Heart raten = 1649n = 1742n = 1651
Heart rate, beats/min, range34–6061–7071–117
ADL score
 Model 119.79 (0.02)19.78 (0.02)19.71 (0.02)0.004
 Model 219.27 (0.25)19.26 (0.25)19.21 (0.25)0.02
IADL score
 Model 113.67 (0.03)13.62 (0.02)13.52 (0.03)< 0.001
 Model 212.94 (0.34)12.89 (0.34)12.80 (0.33)< 0.001
SDNNn = 1689n = 1670n = 1683
SDNN, ms, range1.70–13.3013.40–26.5026.60–422.60
ADL score
 Model 119.73 (0.02)19.75 (0.02)19.80 (0.02)0.01
 Model 219.23 (0.25)19.24 (0.25)19.27 (0.25)0.11
IADL score
 Model 113.55 (0.03)13.62 (0.03)13.65 (0.02)0.004
 Model 212.84 (0.33)12.90 (0.34)12.91 (0.34)0.03
  • Note: ADL = basic activities of daily living, IADL = instrumental activities of daily living, SDNN = standard deviation of normal-to-normal RR intervals.

  • * Unless stated otherwise.

  • Adjusted for country, age, sex and education.

  • Adjusted for country, age, sex, education, smoking, body mass index, history of hypertension, history of diabetes mellitus, history of claudication, history of myocardial infarction, history of stroke/transient ischemic attack, statin treatment, diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, β-blockers, calcium channel blockers, nitrates, acetylsalicylic acid and anticoagulants.