Table 2:

Description of clinical prediction rules for group A streptococcal infection

Clinical prediction rulePresentationClinical predictorsSuggested course of action in the original studyPresent validation study
Forsyth36ListTemperature, enlarged tender nodes (1 or ≥ 2), exudate (1 patch, ≥ 2 patches or confluent, purulent exudate), infectious mononucleosis syndrome (mucoid exudate and multiple small nodes), influenzal syndrome (fever and myalgia but no exudate or adenitis)Clinically nonstreptococcal: culture; treat symptomaticallyNA
Clinically “questionable”: culture; treat symptomatically
Clinically streptococcal: do not culture; give penicillin orally
Breese39ScoreMonth in which the patient is seen, age, leukocyte count, fever ≥ 100.5°F, sore throat, cough, headache, abnormal pharynx (redness, swelling, exudate, petechiae, “doughnut lesions” or ulcerations), abnormal cervical nodes (very enlarged without tenderness or if palpable and tender)No clear course of action suggested≤ 25: no rapid antigen detection testing, no antibiotic treatment
26–31: antibiotic with positive test result
≥ 32: no testing, antibiotic treatment
Fujikawa41ScoreFever > 37.5C°, sore throat, nausea or vomiting, anorexia, absence of cough or rhinorrhea, pharynx (dark red or petechiae), cervical lymph node swelling, tonsillar exudate (white spotty), rash (scarlet fever-like, erythema or urticaria), strawberry tongue or marked papillaeNo clear course of action suggestedNA
Wald42ScoreAge, season, fever ≥ 38.3°C, adenopathy (cervical lymph nodes ≥ 1 cm or tender to palpation), pharyngitis (erythema, swelling or exudate of pharynx or tonsils), no upper respiratory symptoms (rhinorrhea, cough or conjunctivitis)No clear course of action suggested≤ 1: no rapid antigen detection testing, no antibiotic treatment
2–4: antibiotic with positive test result
≥ 5: no testing, antibiotic treatment
Edmond38Decision treeAge, scarlatiniform rash, pharyngotonsillitis (diffuse pharyngeal erythema and swollen, edematous tonsils), tender cervical nodesRisk < 20%: consider symptomatic treatment only< 20%: no rapid antigen detection testing, no antibiotic treatment
Risk 20%–60%: culture with or without penicillin therapy20%–60%: antibiotic with positive test result
Risk > 60%: penicillin therapy> 60%: no testing, antibiotic treatment
McIsaac40ScoreTemperature > 38°C, no cough, tender anterior cervical adenopathy, tonsillar swelling or exudate, age0–1: no culture or antibiotic required0–1: no rapid antigen detection testing, no antibiotic treatment
2–3: culture all; treat only if result is positive2–3: antibiotic with positive test result
≥ 4: culture all or treat with penicillin on clinical grounds≥ 4: no testing, antibiotic treatment
Attia43ScoreScarlatiniform rash, moderate to severe tonsillar swelling, moderate to severe tenderness and enlargement of cervical lymph nodes, absence of moderate to severe coryzaNo clear course of action suggested0: no rapid antigen detection testing, no antibiotic treatment
1–3: antibiotic with positive test result
≥ 4: no testing, antibiotic treatment
Joachim37ScoreAge, bacterial signs (tender cervical node, headache, petechiae on the palate, abdominal pain, sudden onset [< 12 h]), viral signs (conjunctivitis, coryza, diarrhea)≤ 2: no rapid antigen detection testing, symptomatic treatment≤ 2: no rapid antigen detection testing, no antibiotic treatment
3: antibiotic with positive result on rapid antigen detection testing3: antibiotic with positive test result
≥ 4: no rapid antigen detection testing, antibiotic treatment≥ 4: no testing, antibiotic treatment
  • Note: NA = not applicable (the clinical prediction rule could not be validated).