Table 1:

Baseline characteristics of 30 433 patients who had existing cardiovascular disease or diabetes with end-organ damage, by level of alcohol consumption*

CharacteristicLevel of alcohol consumption; no. (%) of patients
All n = 30 433Low n = 18 775Moderate n = 11 139High n = 519
Age, yr, mean ± SD66.4 ± 7.266.6 ± 7.266.1 ± 7.165.2 ± 6.7
Sex, female9 064 (29.8)7 464 (39.8)1 546 (13.9)54 (10.4)
 Americas9 288 (30.5)6 051 (32.2)3 156 (28.3)81 (15.6)
 Europe14 980 (49.2)8 400 (44.7)6 275 (56.3)305 (58.8)
 Australia/Asia6 165 (20.3)4 324 (23.0)1 708 (15.3)133 (25.6)
Waist:hip ratio, mean ± SD0.94 ± 0.080.93 ± 0.090.95 ± 0.080.96 ± 0.07
Medical history
 Coronary artery disease23 422 (77.0)14 001 (74.6)9 023 (81.0)398 (76.7)
 Stroke/TIA6 261 (20.6)4 128 (22.0)2 019 (18.1)114 (22.0)
 Peripheral artery disease5 439 (17.9)3 176 (16.9)2 118 (19.0)145 (27.9)
 Hypertension21 315 (70.0)13 938 (74.2)7 076 (63.5)301 (58.0)
 Diabetes11 345 (37.3)8 005 (42.6)3 218 (28.9)122 (23.5)
 Chronic renal disease8 178 (26.9)5 475 (29.2)2 587 (23.2)116 (22.4)
 Sleep apnea2 033 (6.7)1 313 (7.0)697 (6.3)23 (4.4)
Use of statin18 503 (60.8)10 619 (56.6)7 519 (67.5)365 (70.3)
Smoking status
 Never smoked11 418 (37.5)8 624 (45.9)2 747 (24.7)47 (9.1)
 Current/former smoker18 983 (62.4)10 132 (54.0)8 381 (75.2)470 (90.6)
 None1 115 (3.7)977 (5.2)131 (1.2)7 (1.3)
 1–8 yr9 120 (30.0)6 302 (33.6)2 677 (24.0)141 (27.2)
 9–12 yr8 987 (29.5)5 422 (28.9)3 405 (30.6)160 (30.8)
 University/trade school11 204 (36.8)6 072 (32.3)4 921 (44.2)211 (40.7)
Physical activity
 Sedentary10 486 (34.5)7 101 (37.8)3 200 (28.7)185 (35.6)
 Moderate6 971 (22.9)3 903 (20.8)2 951 (26.5)117 (22.5)
 High12 966 (42.6)7 766 (41.4)4 983 (44.7)217 (41.8)
 Yes19 685 (64.7)12 156 (64.7)7 210 (64.7)319 (61.5)
 No10 734 (35.3)6 612 (35.2)3 923 (35.2)199 (38.3)
  • Note: SD = standard deviation, TIA = transient ischemic attack.

  • * Low = < 1 drink/wk; moderate = 1–14 drinks/wk (about 2 drinks/d) for women and 1–21 drinks/wk (about 3 drinks/d) for men; high = > 14 drinks/wk (> 2 drinks/d) for women and > 21 drinks/wk (> 3 drinks/d) for men.

  • Unless stated otherwise.

  • Sedentary = physical activity once per week or less often, moderate = 2–4 times per week, high = ≥ 5 times per week.

  • § Having had some or several periods of stress or permanent stress at work/home, or moderate or high worry about money.