Table 2:

Adjusted odds of pregnancy complications at first live delivery associated with gestational age of women

Complication; gestational age of womenAdjusted OR* (95% CI)
Gestational diabetes
< 32 wk2.34 (1.65–3.33)
32–36 wk1.20 (1.03–1.40)
Term, 37–42 wk1.00 (ref)
Gestational hypertension
< 32 wk1.56 (1.09–2.25)
32–36 wk1.06 (0.92–1.22)
Term, 37–42 wk1.00 (ref)
Preeclampsia or eclampsia
< 32 wk1.79 (1.19–2.69)
32–36 wk1.23 (1.04–1.44)
Term, 37–42 wk1.00 (ref)
≥ 1 complication
< 32 wk1.95 (1.54–2.47)
32–36 wk1.14 (1.03–1.25)
Term, 37–42 wk1.00 (ref)
  • Note: CI = confidence interval, OR = odds ratio, ref = reference group.

  • * Adjusted for women’s characteristics at the time of their birth (small for gestational age, large for gestational age, multiple birth, year of birth), chronic hypertension, type 1 and 2 diabetes (except for gestational diabetes), kidney disease, age ≥ 25 years and multiple-birth pregnancy.