PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - F. J. Timmermans AU - S. Gerson TI - Chronic granulomatous otitis media in bottle-fed Inuit children DP - 1980 Mar 08 TA - Canadian Medical Association Journal PG - 545--547 VI - 122 IP - 5 4099 - 4100 - SO - CMAJ1980 Mar 08; 122 AB - Otitis media in Inuit children is a problem of relatively recent origin and unknown cause. The prevalence of otitis media in 238 Inuit and 47 Caucasian children in Nain, a small community in Labrador, was determined by examination, and the history of breast-feeding or bottle-feeding was obtained. The prevalence of otitis media was found to be inversely related to the age at which bottle-feeding was started. Clinical observations suggest that otitis media in Inuit children is part of a process leading to chronic foreign body granuloma of the middle ear, and that the granuloma is formed from milk introduced into the relatively short and straight eustachian tubes of Inuit infants by the high negative intraoral pressure necessary for bottle-feeding.