PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Johnson, M. A. AU - Owers, J. AU - Horwood, P. TI - Air transport of infants in Newfoundland and Labrador DP - 1978 Jul 22 TA - Canadian Medical Association Journal PG - 127--134 VI - 119 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - CMAJ1978 Jul 22; 119 AB - Air transportation of 33 infants in small unpressurized aircraft over long distances is described. Twenty-six of the infants were transported more than 320 km in environmental temperatures varying from -35 to +21 degrees C. A commercially available incubator was used. Although more than half the infants had a rectal temperature within the normal range at the time of arrival at hospital, 12 infants had rectal temperatures above 37.5 degrees C as a result of efforts to diminish heat loss. Adequate oxygenation of infants at 3000 m in unpressurized aircraft can be difficult. Cold and vibration can affect equipment, and at high altitudes the readings from oxygen analysers may not be true. The use of an expanded transport team, which includes experienced nonmedical personnel, is particularly important in these cases.